Affordable Professional Resume Writing Services | Platinum Resumes |

Your Job Search: The Do’s and Do Not’s for 2016

The beginning of a brand new year can bring with it excitement and anticipation as well as a bit of fear and apprehension. You’ve got high hopes and big plans for your career, but there are days when you can’t keep your doubts at bay. You want to make all of the right moves and turn all of the appropriate heads, but you wonder if you’re always going about it the right way.


If you find yourself amidst these circumstances, know that you are not alone. Today, many others are stepping into a fresh year of unknowns. We, at Platinum Resumes, hope to see you embrace this season with confidence and positivity. Although you may not know where your next paycheck is coming from, or which company you will soon call home, you can still keep your head above water and get the right tools together.


Our clients come to us from all walks of life, but they all share a common thread. Each individual has the aptitude and potential to do great things but needs some professional attention to the details of their resume, cover letter, interview technique, and so forth. This list of things to do and not to do will help lead you to success in 2016…


Do: Seek a professional opinion when polishing off your resume for that next big job opportunity.

Do Not: Flip through your junk drawer, find your old thumb drive, and just decide to submit the resume you wrote back in college.


Do: Take your interview seriously.

Do Not: Wake up five minutes before it’s time to leave.


Do: Choose an interview outfit that makes a statement about your level of professionalism.

Do Not: Throw your favorite sweater in the dryer to knock out the wrinkles and just hope for the best.


Do: Choose words that leave the employer wanting for more of your ingenuity and talent.

Do Not: Share the crude joke you heard the night before or the sob story of the drama from a job you quit five years back.


Do: Call Platinum Resumes and get assistance in developing a stronger, more competitive, and more eloquent representation of yourself.

Do Not: Keep putting off your job search, assuming that eventually a decent opportunity will just fall into your lap.


To all of our former clients and to those who we will have the privilege of reaching this year, we wish you a Happy and Successful 2016!

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