Resume Writer in Kansas City


Hiring a Resume Writer in Kansas City: Handling Professional Pauses with Self-Assuredness — Using a professional resume writer in Kansas City from Platinum Resumes combined with career coaching services, we hope to empower you to reach your career goals. Today, we’re going to discuss managing employment gaps, a topic that many professionals come across but frequently find difficult to properly address on their resumes.

Gaps in employment can seem intimidating, regardless of the reason—you may have taken time off for your family, looked for contract work, or are making the move from retirement back into the workforce. They don’t have to, however, stand in the way of your next professional step.

We’ll examine the opportunities that these gaps provide in addition to the difficulties that they pose. Every gap has a backstory, from the stay-at-home mother going back to work to the seasoned contractor managing several projects and the retired executive willing to provide guidance. And that’s the story our professional resume writers in Kansas City from Platinum Resumes want to help you tell—not just in an honest and assured manner but also in a way that emphasizes your advantages over other candidates and your strengths.

Moving forward in your career or reentering the workforce doesn’t have to be difficult when you have Platinum Resumes on your side. The captivating narratives that our team of Certified Professional Resume Writers constructs from your experiences—even the gaps—draw hiring managers in. Our professional resume writers in Kansas City from Platinum Resumes are here to support you every step of the way, whether you need help tailoring your resume for particular opportunities or advice on how to present your hiatus in a positive light. Come along as we offer helpful tips and techniques for transforming those apparent barriers into advantages.


Resume Writer in Kansas City: Management Gaps in a Resume — Your Guide

Any gaps in employment on your resume are easily justifiable. It’s okay to talk about contract jobs and career changes without feeling like you have to hide them. There is no need for the procedure to be extremely difficult. Just make sure you confidently own your story. Here are a few illustrations of typical problems, along with our suggestions.


Resume Writer in Kansas City: The Mom Who Has and Employment Gap

“Before becoming a stay-at-home mother, I worked for ten years as a human resource manager. I need to go back to work because my resume currently shows a 6-year gap. What happens next? How can I write a resume so that it doesn’t highlight the years I’ve been unemployed straight?”



It’s great to focus on your family by taking a career break. Let’s concentrate on the benefits you have received from the break rather than the distance. Did you consult, tutor, volunteer, or undergo training? If yes, include a list of those experiences on your resume in addition to the relevant transferable skills to cover any gaps.


Resume Writer in Kansas City


Resume Writer in Kansas City: Tutoring Assistance

The subcontractor

“I am a 23-year veteran Scrum Master who oversees IT projects utilizing SAFe and Agile approaches. My résumé lists a ton of contract jobs, giving the impression that I’ve been working at different places. Is there a more appropriate way for me to showcase my achievements?


It’s not necessary to use a chronological resume to highlight your abilities, according to a professional resume writer in Kansas City. Classify your work history rather than putting all of your prior employment accomplishments under one heading. Make multiple sections, including ones for professional experiences, contract positions, and consulting opportunities.


Resume Writer in Kansas City: Subcontractor

The Executive Prior, Who is Not Ready to Retire
“I realized that I still have a lot to offer, even though I retired from an executive business development role last year. I miss the intellectual stimulation a great deal. Finding a job is challenging enough for someone in their 50s, let alone me in my 60s. Three solid pages make up my resume. Instead of focusing on my accomplishments, I want it to express my love for mentoring and consulting.”

It seems that a one-page networking resume would be beneficial for you. Consider your resume to be a promotional tool. Your primary skills, prior performance history, and desire to help others are all marketed in the content. It involves rephrasing important terms like “high growth strategies” to refer to the professional development of employees.


Change of Career

Contact Us for Additional Advice
These situations represent only a small portion of the numerous difficulties that our clients present to us. Join us on LinkedIn or follow us on Facebook to benefit from more writing advice. Get in touch with us for a quote if you’re feeling overburdened or simply pressed for time.


Does Resume Customization Actually Matter That Much?

Should I tailor my resume to each job application I make? Is it acceptable to apply to multiple jobs with the same general resume? These are typical queries posed to a professional resume writer in Kansas City from Platinum Resumes. Although tailoring a resume for every job is crucial, we recognize that this can seem like a daunting task.

Yes, is the succinct response to the query. Even if you apply to multiple jobs with the same resume, you might not be able to compete with others or make a lasting impression. If your resume won’t be noticed, why waste your time applying for jobs? Customizing your resume increases the likelihood that a potential employer will consider you as a candidate. Here are just five possible ways to put this into practice.


Resume Writer in Kansas City


A Better Resume in Five Steps

  1. Start by contrasting the job description with your past employment. Do you possess the necessary experience to succeed in the role for which you are applying? You can develop a thorough grasp of your professional strengths and shortcomings by providing a thorough response to that question.
  2. After considering your transferable skills, assess whether you have any skill gaps that require filling in.
  3. Next, quantify your expertise and include the corresponding skills in your opening summary.
  4. The final step is to add keywords from the job description to your resume’s core competencies section.
  5. Lastly, draft an introductory statement that summarizes your professional background. Your goals shouldn’t be stated in this paragraph. It ought to demonstrate your capabilities.


Opting for Platinum Resumes for professional resume services in Kansas City isn’t just a choice; it’s an investment in a future where your career dreams become tangible realities. Our team of Certified Professional Resume Writers excels in Resume Writing, cover letter writing in Kansas City, interview coaching in Kansas City, and guiding you through the nuances of government resumes in Kansas City.

Drawing from our extensive corporate experience, including pivotal roles in the civilian and federal government sectors, our resume writer in Kansas City is dedicated to empowering you with the confidence to not just land a job but to take the right step toward your career goals. We guarantee interviews, ensuring our commitment lasts until you secure that pivotal interview. And even after 12 weeks of job searching, if you need further assistance, we’ll fine-tune your resume at no extra cost.

At Platinum Resumes, we’re driven by one goal – delivering guaranteed results!


Resume Writer in Kansas City


Why choose us? Beyond our proven track record and the rave reviews from our clients, it’s our passion that truly sets us apart. We don’t just write resumes; we craft your first impression and gear you up for interviews. Our comprehensive service package includes creating standout LinkedIn Profiles and providing interview coaching to ensure you’re ready for the opportunities we’re confident we can secure for you.

In a competitive city like Kansas City, settling for less-than-guaranteed results isn’t an option. Don’t leave your career to chance. Reach out to Platinum Resumes today at (816) 986-0909 or visit our website. Your dream job is within reach!