Many people believe that the hiring manager takes the reins when it comes to a job interview. He or she is responsible for selecting the job candidates and organizing the details, and the level of authority of this position does create a great amount of responsibility throughout the interview process. However, despite the take-charge position of the hiring manager, the candidate also has a a fair amount of control and sway. When it comes to the different directions that the interview can potentially go, you have more power than you realize.

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This potential interview power is what we are going to be focusing on in this current blog series. So many people are unaware of what it takes to fully prepare for a solid interview, all of the hours it takes to get an accurate read of the company you are interviewing with and the impact that you would have upon the position at hand. The hiring manager wants something out of you that will benefit his or her company, but you will be looking out for number one, as well.

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It is important to recognize, even before going into the interview, what appeals to you about the potential job position. You want to work somewhere that challenges and excites you, and you want your job to drive you to better yourself and your team. With this intention in mind, you can approach your job interview with a workable plan when it comes to answering the ever popular, vague question that will most likely await you: “Why should I hire you?”

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“You should hire me because I will benefit your company BUT also because I am inspired by the potential work I will be doing.” An employer wants to see employees who enjoy their craft, who are self-driven and find purpose in their day to day tasks. If you take the reins with this interview question, then you gain the power to steer the interview down a road that is rarely taken. You can stop restating what’s already been said and refrain from spouting off about how you will make the company proud by doing this or capitalizing on that. Instead, you can bravely reveal your humanity by making the potential job about you.

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After you have reminded the hiring manager about all that you can do to better the company, then you can turn the conversation to all that the job can do for you. Your experience in this job will strengthen your skill set, will provide opportunity for you to grow and advance in your career. You want to convince the potential employer that you will stay driven because of the personal gain that you have wrapped up in this deal.

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As you approach your next job interview, remember that you need to be ready to exercise the power play when the opportunity presents itself. The driver’s seat will be open to you, and you want to perform well!

