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Dominate the Job Market with a Strong Personal Brand

You are Your Own Brand card with a urban background

How are you representing yourself when it comes to your job search? Does your resume paint an accurate picture of the same person that will arrive for an interview? Is your LinkedIn profile current enough to professionally portray the real you? Bumps and bruises included?


Who you are isn’t always who you appear to be. We’re all guilty of hiding behind the safety mask from time to time, squeezing ourselves into the stereotype of someone that we’re not. After all, that’s the only way to successfully go after the job of your dreams, right?


At Platinum Resumes, we believe there’s another way. We believe in intentional authenticity and in digging deeper to find this alternate route. A way in which to remain true to yourself while also dominating your application and interview processes.


There is an art, which we have mastered, where the right pieces are drawn together to best represent the unique version of yourself. As a job candidate, you bring a package to the table that is unlike any other. Your blend of skills and experience has the power to capture the attention of your potential employer and set you up as a strong candidate for the job at hand. But, how do you develop such a powerhouse effect?


The key to a strong personal brand is honesty with professional refinement. You need to be real but not go overboard with tales from a jaded past. You need to be authentic but aware of how to use the right words to strengthen your weaker attributes. Our staff at Platinum Resumes has developed the knack for finding these words and making some magic happen for our clients and their respective job searches.


We know that your personal brand is only as strong as the weakest link, and our aim is to pinpoint that weakness and spin it for your good. A strong resume and cover letter, coupled with a thorough LinkedIn profile and polished interview skills, has the power to bring even the weakest job candidate back into the game. Give us a call today at 816.986.0909, and we will help you build a personal brand that will take you to new heights!

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