Tips for Returning to Work as COVID-19 Restrictions Lift

Returning to work once COVID-19 Pandemic state restrictions are lifted will be a unique experience. Some employees will be allowed to continue to work from home while service, production and maintenance jobs will likely be physically returning to work. Here are a few things to keep in mind if you are returning to your place of work. Take care of mental health. Many people are experiencing depression and anxiety right now, and in order to do well at work, you must take care of yourself first by putting on your metaphorical oxygen mask. Take care to be kind to your coworkers and offer grace and support when applicable. Notify your manager if you notice another coworker is experiencing emotional issues. These are challenging times, and it’s important for staff to take care mentally and seek treatment when necessary. Make sure to [...]

Tips for Returning to Work as COVID-19 Restrictions Lift2020-05-18T19:40:54-05:00

The Importance of Your Online Presence When Looking for a Job

When you are looking for information on something, where do you turn? You go straight to the internet, right? Well, hiring managers and recruiters are no different. Employers often look you up on the internet before calling you in for an interview. They might scope out your LinkedIn profile, look your name up on a public search engine, and scope out your Twitter or Facebook posts that are public. If you are on the job market, take the time to optimize your internet presence to make sure it reflects your work ethic, reliability, and trustworthiness. First, make sure everything you want hidden is truly hidden. Go to your settings on social media and make sure that your private pictures and posts are not publicly posted. You probably don’t want a bunch of public selfies at the bar, partying with your friends. [...]

The Importance of Your Online Presence When Looking for a Job2020-05-08T20:55:22-05:00

What to Expect When Returning to Work after Stay-at-Home Orders

Many stay-at-home orders are coming to an end, and non-essential workers are ramping up to get back to work. While you may be eager to get back to work, or to apply for a new job in one of the high demand industries, it’s important to be prepared to experience a few changes. Here is what you might expect to see when you go back to work. Some employers are asking employees to do a temperature check before coming in the building to work. Employees will be asked to stay home if they feel any hint of illness. Many businesses will have restrictions on the number of patrons allowed in the building at a time, requiring masks, and asking people to maintain a safe distance from each other. Some offices may install plexi-glass shields between desks, especially if the workspace is [...]

What to Expect When Returning to Work after Stay-at-Home Orders2020-05-04T18:07:07-05:00

How to Host a Successful Virtual Meeting

Many meetings are happening virtually right now with corona virus safety being top of mind. For some people, virtual meetings are a brand new experience. For those who are new to these kind of meetings, here are some tips to host a successful virtual meeting. Keep the audience small. Make sure the attendee list only includes key stakeholders, or those with a vested interest in the call. The more people who are in a virtual meeting, the more potential for issues to occur. Keep the attendee list to necessary participants only. If you’re on video, make sure to maintain a professional appearance. First, host a practice meeting, so you can test out your video and ensure that your camera is working, so there are no hiccups during the actual meeting. Then, pay attention to your backdrop—what’s behind you. Make sure that [...]

How to Host a Successful Virtual Meeting2020-04-28T17:54:40-05:00

How to Separate Work from Home When Working at Home

Because of social distancing, many people are working remote for the first time ever. One of the biggest complaints I hear from first time work-at-homers is that it’s difficult to separate work life and home life. Especially now, with children homeschooling, and many people with a full house during the day, it can be hard to separate the two. Here are 3 tips to help you keep your work life separate from your home life when working at home. Work from one space, and tell your family or roommates that you are “going to work” when you enter that space. Mentally, working from the same place every day will help you get in the work mode versus wanting to relax or do chores. The best work space is a a quiet room with a desk and upright chair. Try to resist [...]

How to Separate Work from Home When Working at Home2020-05-18T19:39:45-05:00

Searching for a Job During COVID-19

Looking for a job during the coronavirus pandemic may be causing you a bit of uncertainty or anxiety. While many small businesses have been forced to close temporarily and large businesses have lost sales or experienced a disruption in the supply chain, there have been some layoffs, furloughs, and reduced hours. However, there are still companies which are actively hiring. I know it may seem hard, but if you can stay positive and proactive about job searching, you can still find a job despite the difficult economic times. Here are 3 tips to make your job search easier: 1.    Reach out to your network. Many people want to help you however they can during this global crisis. You may be surprised what opportunities may come about by just asking your network on LinkedIn, friends, family, etc. They may know of an [...]

Searching for a Job During COVID-192020-04-15T17:31:13-05:00

3 Steps to Nail a Remote Interview

If you’re on the search right now, you may be feeling a little scared and frustrated. Right now, the entire world is facing unprecedented and challenging times. All we can do right now is try to adjust to this new way of doing things. Business must continue, and there is still a demand for jobs. Luckily, we have technology at our fingertips, and many employers are offering virtual interviews during social distancing. Here are 3 steps to nail a remote interview: 1.  Phone Interview – Most of you are probably already quite familiar with a phone interview, which is typically used as a candidate screening interview. But, how do you stand out over a phone interview? Focus on your delivery. When you speak, be sure to sound confident, well-spoken, and self-assured. It may feel funny at first, but if you smile [...]

3 Steps to Nail a Remote Interview2020-04-06T20:55:29-05:00

Take Advantage of Your Free Time During Social Distancing

Most of us are finding ourselves with extra free time while we adapt to our new lifestyles during social distancing. While it may be easy to sit around and binge watch your favorite show or to immersing yourself in social media, don't squander this opportunity to advance your career! Here are 3 ways to use this extra time at home to propel your career forward! Take an Online Class or Certification- There are so many options online to continue your education. You can take a certificate program, brush up on you Excel or MS Office Skills, learn how to code. There's something out there for everyone! Read Personal Development Books - Take this time to enjoy the simple pleasure of reading a book and developing yourself. Some books that have really inspired me lately are The Hero Effect: Being Your Best [...]

Take Advantage of Your Free Time During Social Distancing2020-03-31T22:07:32-05:00

Tips for Remote Work Success During COVID-19 Outbreak

Many businesses are asking employees to work from home for (at least) the 2 few weeks until the COVID-19 virus is under control. For those who are not used to working from home and especially for those with children now at home too, this has the potential to be a very difficult time. And businesses can’t afford for a lack of productivity during this time. So, what can you do to keep your mental well-being and the welfare of your job on track? The biggest obstacle for those who are new to working remote is figuring out how to stay organized and on track during the workday. At the start of each day, create a to-do list, and come up with a schedule to complete each task. Most employers don’t mind if you take a 5 minute break here and there [...]

Tips for Remote Work Success During COVID-19 Outbreak2020-03-24T21:59:29-05:00

Do You Keep a Work Journal?

Work Journals are a great tool to help you self-reflect, record progress, document achievement milestones, and help you grow. It could also be a place to write down your favorite  quotes, record feedback you’ve received, or jot down ideas you have. Journals are also a great resource to use when you have quarterly reviews with your leader. As with any journal, the way you choose to document, organize, and articulate it personal to you. Here are some ideas to get you started: Write down and track your goals. Studies show that simply writing down what you want to achieve makes you 10 times more likely to accomplish the goal. Track positive quotes, motivational experiences, or reminders for yourself. Jot down personal notes that you don’t want to forget. Keep track of deadlines, tasks, and sub-tasks to stay on track. Monitor the [...]

Do You Keep a Work Journal?2020-03-12T19:20:37-05:00