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When Adjusting to a New Job Takes Longer than Just a Few Days

We’ve all got that friend who would be considered a “job hopper”. The new job is always quick to become the former job. The lofty expectations soon become a watered down vision of disappointment, and the hopes of career growth and success spin into feelings of frustration and failure. Starting a new job is not an easy task to take on!


The question to be asked, however, is who is failing who? Was the new hiring manager dishonest about the reality of this new position? Is the daily workload more or less than was specified in the interview? Is the working environment more harsh or stressful than it was described to be?


Many times, the typical “job hoppers” are those who feel as though they got cheated when, in fact, they were the ones who cheated themselves. Adjusting to a new job takes time, and there is no formal or specific format to it. Transitions can be messy, and there must be a lot of give and take to acclimate to a new working environment with new coworkers and new policies.


A new job takes more than just a few days or weeks to figure out. Many would say that it takes the better part of an entire year to get the knack of things and determine exactly what is now expected of you from your boss. You’ve got to determine what responsibilities are yours and what should technically be delegated to others. You’ve got to learn the behaviors of those in your shared office environment and how you can adjust your thoughts and feelings to best survive the daily grind.


Many times our hopes get dashed if our first day on the job doesn’t look like what we’d imagined. We might not fit in as easily as we expected to, so we hang our heads and choose to throw in the towel with bitterness rather than press on with perseverance. Be encouraged, however, that we have all weathered new days and new jobs, and that – by sticking with it – your new job might soon surprise you by becoming the best thing that ever happened to you!



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