Finding a Great Job When You’re in a Different City

For those who are planning a big move, securing a job on the other end is often at the top of your list of concerns. Obviously you need to find employment, but, when you're stuck out of town, there are certain limitations that you will face. Does that mean you give up even trying? Of course not. You just have to be diligent and have a solid plan of action.   You need to start by getting organized and making a list of the jobs and/or companies that are available to you in your new city. Once you have explored those possibilities within your industry, then narrow it down to the jobs that look the most exciting and align with your talents. You don't need to go into a ton of depth, but you'll want to research the bare bones of [...]

Finding a Great Job When You’re in a Different City2017-09-20T09:55:35-05:00

How to Condense an Overstuffed Resume

For those of you who are seasoned veterans when it comes to the work force, it can be hard to determine just how to keep from submitting a 12-page resume. With so much experience under your belt, it is hard to reduce ten or twenty years of accomplishments and learned job skills down to just one page of career highlights. However, if you fail to put in the time and effort to condense your resume, then you are limiting yourself when it comes to the opportunities before you.   When your resume is overstuffed and too wordy, then the personal brand you are building for yourself loses its focus. Even though you may be a very well-qualified, well-rounded candidate, you have to hone in and concentrate on a streamlined approach. At this stage in the game, it helps to have someone [...]

How to Condense an Overstuffed Resume2017-09-22T10:30:52-05:00

Sharpening Your Skill Set to Fight for Your Dreams

Your career game is only as strong as its weakest link. If you polish up a few pieces to perfection yet leave holes in your overall presentation, you are lessening your chances of being noticed. If you feel solid in your ability to interview well yet put a half-hearted effort into creating your resume, then you are selling yourself short of your dreams.   In order to be a worthy opponent in today’s competitive job market, you have to work hard to remain well-rounded. To recognize your weaknesses is one thing. Anyone can do that when faced with the right question. To conquer your weaknesses, however, is a feat that few choose to pursue. It is among those few that you need to find yourself.   Visualizing your weaker attributes and taking action to strengthen them will take you far in [...]

Sharpening Your Skill Set to Fight for Your Dreams2017-09-22T11:08:28-05:00

Dominate the Job Market with a Strong Personal Brand

How are you representing yourself when it comes to your job search? Does your resume paint an accurate picture of the same person that will arrive for an interview? Is your LinkedIn profile current enough to professionally portray the real you? Bumps and bruises included?   Who you are isn’t always who you appear to be. We’re all guilty of hiding behind the safety mask from time to time, squeezing ourselves into the stereotype of someone that we’re not. After all, that’s the only way to successfully go after the job of your dreams, right?   At Platinum Resumes, we believe there’s another way. We believe in intentional authenticity and in digging deeper to find this alternate route. A way in which to remain true to yourself while also dominating your application and interview processes.   There is an art, which [...]

Dominate the Job Market with a Strong Personal Brand2017-09-22T11:17:18-05:00