Your Best Kansas City Career Ally

Are you overwhelmed by the weight of your job search? Have you been going about finding a new job for much longer than you’d planned? Maybe the job offers aren’t rolling in quite like you’d hoped, and it’s time to discover who can help you find where you’ve gone wrong.   Having a career ally to assist you in your job search makes all of the difference when it comes to gaining the upper hand. Competition among job seekers can sometimes be fierce, and it’s important to have a solid package to offer potential employers. You need to have a knock out resume, a unique cover letter, and a flawless LinkedIn profile, in addition to various other components. A thorough and confident approach to interview prep is a must, and so many miss out on this piece of the puzzle because [...]

Your Best Kansas City Career Ally2017-09-12T19:47:45-05:00

Amp Up Your Job Search by Hiring a Resume Writer

Professional resume writer… did you know there was such a thing? Many who are out scouring the job market, failing to get noticed by any reputable company, do not realize what tools are within their reach. There are resources out there that put their life’s work into helping those, such as yourself, to find and secure the job of their dreams!   Platinum Resumes is one of those resources. Our work is to help you find work! And, our goal is not just to help someone to find a mediocre job that will be miserably tolerated for a short while but, rather, to build a successful career. Our clients are looking to gain favor in the eyes of hiring managers and recruiters around the globe, in every job category across the board. Whether you are looking to find a job as [...]

Amp Up Your Job Search by Hiring a Resume Writer2017-09-26T15:27:39-05:00

Stay Proactive in Your Kansas City Job Search

Are you in the market for a new job here in Kansas City? Has your job search been going on much longer than you anticipated? If so, you are in good company. Many who are seeking a change in career are venturing down a long road with many curves and frequent detours.   In order to stay positive and keep your chin up, you’ve got to stay proactive in your job search. Each new application you submit is a new door to walk through, a unique opportunity which will look different than the one before. Your resume and cover letter must be structurally sound but tweaked here and there according to what is required of you. The competition will look different with each job opening you pursue, and you must market yourself so that you stand out among your peers.   [...]

Stay Proactive in Your Kansas City Job Search2017-09-26T15:28:25-05:00

Staying Classy for Summer Interviews

  When it comes to dressing for interviews, summer weather can sometimes throw a curveball in our typical wardrobe. That nice suit that you usually set aside for interviews is way too hot. Your long commute into the city leaves you much worse for the wear when it’s 100 degrees outside!   In order to stay classy for your upcoming interviews, you’ve got to understand how to present yourself in this warmer weather. You’ll want to avoid appearing a hot mess in front of your potential employer and wearing something that might feel comfortable yet look very unprofessional. You have to strike a balance between what works with the higher temperatures and what puts your most professional foot forward.   The most important step to staying classy is to be prepared. You can’t just plug in your potential company’s address into [...]

Staying Classy for Summer Interviews2017-09-26T15:29:03-05:00