Current Series: Strategy for Transition Once Laid Off… Interview Coaching with a Group

If you’re just joining us in our current blog series, we are covering the different angles of strategy to consider once you receive news of an impending layoff. There is a transition that must occur between one job and the next, and, if you choose to gain successful momentum in your career rather than come to a stagnant halt, then you should heed this advice for such a transition.   Whether your layoff came by surprise or has been on the horizon for some time, there are steps to be taken and a plan to be hatched for moving forward. Your resume should be dusted off and eloquently tweaked so that your strongest skills and assets are being clearly presented to those who read it. You do not want to just throw a little piece of this job and a little [...]

Current Series: Strategy for Transition Once Laid Off… Interview Coaching with a Group2016-05-24T19:20:21-05:00

Current Series: Strategy for Transition Once Laid Off… Professional Resumes for a Group

  Layoffs are currently sweeping the country, and many different types of industries are being affected by these cuts. Maybe you’ve just heard about it in the news, and it hasn’t really hit home with you yet. Or, alternatively, maybe a layoff has struck you in a very personal way – best friend, relative, or your very own company!   When this kind of news comes knocking at your door, it can be very easy to allow panic to slip in alongside it. Fear of the unknown is a very real thing, and it’s hard to keep at bay. However, if you or your loved ones intend to push through this difficult circumstance and continue toward a successful career, then you have to put intentional focus onto your next steps and shake off the fears and doubts.   This week on [...]

Current Series: Strategy for Transition Once Laid Off… Professional Resumes for a Group2016-05-19T19:47:23-05:00

Current Blog Series: Strategy for Transition Once Laid Off

With a wave of layoffs sweeping the country, many very talented individuals are being cut short of the careers they thought would last. Across a number of different industries, budgets are diminishing and jobs are disappearing. Where does this leave you?   Platinum Resumes recognizes the need for help in the midst of these tough and often unforeseen circumstances. Once laid off, you need a solid strategy for transition back into your specific career field. You need a plan for how to best market yourself to the right company in a way in which will set you apart from other candidates.   At Platinum Resumes, we offer a unique and highly sought after package of services to both the individual being laid off as well as an entire group of employees. We have the capacity to offer our expertise in the [...]

Current Blog Series: Strategy for Transition Once Laid Off2016-05-13T13:46:52-05:00